keeping teens drug and alcohol-free in Glenview and Northbrook
7 PM - 8:30 PM
Glenview Public Library Community Room
Join GNCY, Glenview Public Library, and
Dr.Renee Dominguez, Co-Executive Director
of the Family Service Center
as she leads a book discussion on
The Anxious Generation:
How the Great Rewiring of Childhood is Causing
An Epidemic of Mental Illness
by Jonathan Haidt
to secure your spot:
No matter how you plan to celebrate this week, spring break is a perfect opportunity for parents to talk to teens about underage drinking & other drugs. Use these three tips to ensure your teen stays safe and sober this spring break:
1. Is your teen planning to go on a trip with a friend’s family or a large group without you?
Have a straightforward conversation with the supervising adults to let them know your stance on alcohol. Confirm that absolutely no alcohol will be provided or given to your teen, under any circumstances.
2. Use the extra break time as an opportunity to begin an ongoing conversation with your teen about alcohol and other drugs.
Talk to your teen about potentially risky situations they may face, such as being offered alcohol/other drugs or riding in a car with someone who is under the influence. Together, come up with ways on how they can make the healthy choice to remain substance-free.
3. For many teens and young adults, spring break is a time to let go of school and home stress.
In preparation for the break, talk to your teen about healthy ways to manage stress. By finding an outlet like physical exercise, conversation, or journaling, your teen may channel stress in a way that will prevent harmful activities such as binge drinking or prescription drug use.
Wherever your teen may be this break, we encourage you to keep in contact with them regularly.
Check-in to see how things are going and make sure they understand your rules and expectations regarding alcohol use before they head out without you.
Here are the links to the GNCY YouTube Channel. They are located in the playlist section.
10.10.2024 | noon | Youth Mental Health and Substance Use
YouTube link:
11.7.2024 | noon | Cannabis and Teen Health
YouTube link:
12.5.2024 | noon | Teens and Screens
YouTube link: has been a resource hub for many adults looking for tips on how to quit smoking and vaping. An exciting update to Smoke-Free Teens may help many more in their cessation journey. No-Vape November reminds us about the benefits of quitting smoking/vaping. Use this resource to help adults, women, youth, etc., quit smoking/vaping. See this Quit Smoking Benefit Timeline to see how quickly the body responds once one quits.
Presentation held Thursday, October 21 at 12 pm
Facilitated by Aaron Weiner, PhD., ABPP a board-certified Psychologist and addiction specialist
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